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I’ve known Sharon since she was a sophomore in high school. Even then, her intelligence and artistic ability was very apparent. The most remarkable thing in my mind about her, however, is her ability to make you see things as she sees them — that you are being made a better person by being around her. Sharon’s artwork and writing, being an extension of herself, also has the ability to do this. — Steve Vamossy, musician

Sharon is cool and knows everything about how to and who’s who and won’t hoodoo you. — Charles Plymell, artist, poet and publisher

Sharon Anderson, an accomplished artist in her own right, has an uncanny ability to reach into the minds of the artists she interviews. Her articles are intelligent and informative but also approachable and entertaining.— Susan Dyer Reynolds, editor in chief of Marina Times San Francisco and author of Jasmine Blue’s Tails of the Dog Park

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